Total amount of participants so far:
Dutch, English and German
Target group
Medium and large enterprises
myCLIC’s Goal
NN, Mandema & Partners, AEGON, Rabobank, ArboNed
About myCLIC prevention
The myCLIC prevention is an innovative program that is used by medium and large enterprises to improve the lifestyle and the health of their staff . The myCLIC prevention analyses the general health of the participants, focusing on lifestyle and heart risk. The program then provides each participant with personlised advice in order for them to bring about a positive lifestyle change.
How does it work?
- The myCLIC prevention program begins with a physical health check performed by a doctor or nurse.
- With the results of the health check a heart risk and lifestyle score are calculated.
- Each participant receives a personal webpage with his or her results, tips and a health plan.
- The participants will regularly receive tips by e–mail that relate to his or her current health and points of improvement.
- The participant can recalculate his or her lifestyle score up to five times a year, and his or her personal profile will adapt to the new score each time.
- This allows the myCLIC prevention participants to become more aware of their health and lifestyle and because they have been offered the tools to improve it, results in a proactive situation.
The myCLIC prevention program is currently active in the Netherlands ( and Germany (
Health Check
During the physical health check the following will be measured:
- Blood pressure
- Total cholesterol
- HDL cholesterol
- Glucose level
Then, on the participant’s personal webpage his or her health and lifestyle will be measured.
- Medical questionnaire
- Lifestyle questionnaire
With this, each participant’s personal health and lifestyle have been carefully mapped out.
Personal webpage
Each participant receives a personal myCLIC prevention profile on the myCLIC prevention website. in addition to the fact that the participant can find his or her Health Check results here, the participant will also receive personalised advice on health and lifestyle which are all adapted to each paticipant’s personal needs.
The myCLIC prevention program has the potential to generate more than 400 million different types of profiles, this means that the myCLIC prevention profiles will always fit each and every participant’s personal needs.
The participants regularly receive tips by email that focus on his or her points of improvement. The participant may recalculate the lifestyle score up to five times a year so that he or she can track the process that has been made so far, the personalised profile will automatically adapt to the new lifestyle score results. At the personlised profile, the participants can find their results, tips, as well as advice that applies to their current health and lifestyle.
- Dashboard
- Heart Risk
- Lifestyle
- Lifestyle Factors
- Healthplan
- Healthplan Open
- Tips
- Buddy system
Medical Validation
The results and recommendations of the heart risk and lifestyle score are based on medically validated algorithms and the Dutch standards for lifestyle and health, exercise, smoking, alcohol, nutrition and Relaxation (BRAVO).
Heart-risk score
myCLIC prevention uses the Framingham Risk score in order to calculate heart risk. The Framingham Risk score is an internationally recognized algorithm that is used to calculate an individuals 10-year risk on contracting cardiovascular disease.
Lifestyle score
The Lifestyle Score is calculated based on validated medical questionnaires. The lifestyle algorithm is developed in-house with the help of cardiologists and health scientists. The lifestyle score is expressed as a number between 1-10.
Proven to be Effective
- Blood pressure increased significantly.
- The total cholesterol and the LDL-cholesterol values decreased (the bad cholesterol).
- The HDL-cholesterol increased (the good cholesterol).
Because of these factors combined, the participant’s chances of getting a heart attack decreased over 20% and this, without taking any type of medication!